Hi Nick,
You can do this with this cmkae function: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/CheckCXXSourceCompiles.html
In this case, if there is a compile or linker error you can check and test for it.
Otherwise, your script did not reveal any major issues to me. The only thing I am wondering about is why you need to build seqan. It suffices to download it and to link against it as you do already.
But since you are building it already I am wondering why there is no linker error?
You can also define the option SEQAN_FIND_DEBUG and it would print some information at the end of the find seqan step.
René Rahn
Ph.D. Student (de.NBI - CIBI)
Institute of Computer Science
Algorithmic Bioinformatics (ABI)
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustraße 9
14195 Berlin