lieber Herr Graf, Ihrem Monitum, die Korrespondenz mit Elsevier zu nennen, komme ich gerne nach.ES will also kein uploaden des Fulltext auf Researchgate, auch wenn man die Erklaerung fuer die Werke von 1964-1995 abgegeben hat. Sie wollen eben keine Leserwerbung.
Ihr E. R. Hilf ::::::::::::::::::::: Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 13:45:15 +0000 From: Permissions Helpdesk <> Subject: RE: author permissionsElsevier policy does not allow articles to be uploaded to ResearchGate, as per our Article Posting Policy we consider posting on the site to fall under ?commercial use? because of ResearchGate?s commercial support.
For the full Policy, which does allow posting of the Accepted Author Manuscript version of your article on your personal and institutional websites, please visit
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Please also note that no permission is required simply to link your ResearchGate page to the relevant Elsevier journal or article websites.
-----Original Message----- From: Sent: 20/01/2013 13:51:12 To: dear Colleagues, I am a retired professor of Theoretical Physics. Several institutions want me to make full access to my scientific publications.Once I signed the legal statement that allows me to make digital use of whatever articles of the period 1964-1994.
Now I got a request by to upload the full text of my early papers.
I want to do this in a way to optimally put respect to you. .. Sincerely yours Eberhard R. Hilf