Liebe Listenmitglieder, liebe Studierende, im Rahmen des Online-Kolloquiums zur Kunst Afrikas wird am kommenden Dienstag der Kunsthistoriker Amarildo Ajasse zu Gast sein. Wir laden Sie wieder sehr herzlich zu Vortrag und anschließender Diskussion ein und freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme. Zeit: 18 Uhr c.t. am Dienstag, den 7. Februar Ort: online via Webex ( AMARILDO AJASSE Postmodernism and African Contemporary Arts’ Exposure in International Exhibitions: The Case of La Biennale di Venezia What are the conditions that have determined the increased presence and exposure of the contemporary African arts within the international large-scale exhibitions? By having the above question as guide, the present examination will identify the main factors that had influenced those exhibitions to 'open their spaces' to art practices and discourses that had been for long absent from their sites. Specifically the present examination will focus on the Venice Biennale and the presence of African arts on its editions and different types of exhibitions. For sure there are other paradigms that may enable an understanding of the presence of the African contemporary arts within La Biennale, but in the presente examination, the postmodern theory was used as the starting point. The analysis makes visible not only the process by which the contemporary African arts were incorporated within La Biennale but also illustrates the steps and key actors that had been part of it. To conclude, considering the fact that the large scale exhibitions, such as the La Biennale, are actually discursive exhibitions, the present examination will also illustrate how and which discourses are articulated by having the contemporary African arts as the vantage point. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Celia Schmidt Freie Universität Berlin FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Kunsthistorisches Institut Abteilung Kunst Afrikas Sekretariat: Celia Schmidt, M.A. Koserstr. 20 (A 3.08), 14195 Berlin Telefon: +49-(0)30-838-55286, Fax: +49-(0)30-838-4-55286<>