Hey Sam,
On Feb 17, 2014, at 3:41 PM, Samuel Flores <samuelfloresc@gmail.com>
typedef Row<Align<DnaString> >::Type TRow;
typedef Iterator<TRow, Standard>::Type TRowIterator;
TRowIterator itRow0 = begin(row(align, 0), Standard());
TRowIterator itRow0End = end(row(align, 0), Standard());
TRowIterator itRow1 = begin(row(align, 1), Standard());
for (; itRow0 != itRow0End; ++itRow0, ++itRow1)
if (!isGap(itRow0) && !isGap(itRow1))
// Count aligned residues.
Since this is only a linear scan over the aligned sequences, this won't add much to the overall runtime considering the quadratic runtime for the alignments you have to do before.
You can also have a glance at our alignment tutorials at
http://trac.seqan.de/wiki/Tutorial/PairwiseSequenceAlignment. Here you can find all information about the pairwise sequence alignments in SeqAn.
Kind regards,
René Rahn
--- René Rahn
Ph.D. Student
Mail: rene.rahn@fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 (0)30 838 75 277
Algorithmic Bioinformatics (ABI)
Department of Computer Science
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustraße 9
14195 Berlin